Monday, June 1, 2009

My Sunday

Yesterday I manage to filled in my time jalan2 shopping kain raya with 66. So dapat lah at least baru 2 pasang. Macam2 saja ulah2 di Mall kan di liat. Yang I suka liat is, there was a bunch of teenagers buat some sort of "freestyle" dance di belakang mall lah. Hehehe reminds me my old was during the "rappers" was in aye..... Hahaha... So balik ja dari mall kami mengampai rehat jap sal malamnya we ada family dinner gathering at my sis house......we stayed till late since Monday inda kraja because telalai with a lots of games and activities. Strictly for FAMILY only....Myself and 66 addicted main ping-pong hahaha (apanyaaaaa 66 aahhh...pandai tiandah service hehehehe)...then we played pool and sampat jua blogging disana since ada wifi...Dinner's time...I ate a lot last night becoz I can't resist bila my sis masak udang...nyum nyum.... So to my sis..."Lain Kali Lagi AAAAHHHHHH...heheheheh

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