Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mini Netball Tournament Ladies Invitation

Thanks and Congratz to Nash, successfully organized the Mini Netball Invitation for newcomers.... 13 teams split into two groups A and B. Sunday June 7th at JKR Indoor Sports Complex from 8am to 8pm. Even tah it was organized for newcomers tapi ada jua team yang babal babal still import players yang kuat2 to ensure they acheived their main goal to WIN and dapat nama. Whatever it is well done to all newcomers!!! To Revival, well done even you guys have to go back to square one but your teamspririt bawa magic to your game performance. Can say "HEBOH" and "BISING" satu dewan jua lah when revival met Striver at the semi final. With very great SUPPORTERS roaring out LOUD has managed to brought up more CONTROVERSY. WELL DONE Supporters and Keep it up...without your GREAT voice and "SUPPORTIVE" words, netball world won't be so CONTROVERSIONAL at all. (I still remember those faces with the GREAT voice...hmmm....what's your problem mate? We din even know you "BOYS"- Sorry to say you atu "BOYS" pasal ulah kamu atu bukan as a "MEN" ).

And guess what...heheheh...I overheard one team yang baru ani inda puas ati sal one team yang baru tapi berpengelaman atu bermain secara kasar in action and also percakapan. Hahahaha...atu banar...sapa jua inda marah kana ucap BI**H...Gosh..jangan cematu eeeee...bagi malu...Mcam tah bisai tu nak ulah miatu...baru pandai ckit sudah berlagak...inda buleeeee....bagi ketulahan ahahahah...kana tangkap karanggggg...inda takut???? hahahaha....

Champion: Striver XOXO
2nd: TAP
3rd: Revival
4th: Jezzebel

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LiLstRz said...
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