Monday, May 24, 2010

Spitfire Netball Tournament: 3rd week Grand finale

Finally, the 3rd week Spitfire netball tournament ended yesterday at Tutong Kem. Wah...sampai malam hmm.....Well nevermind....too much controversy I "Over"heard lah dalam male category...I dunno...But CONGRATULATIONS to Spitfire or starfire (which I assume both same name ay)... for being the Champion and 1st runner up. Unexpectedly terkecundang Thunderbird (Male) as 2nd runner up and follow by X-1...Well for thunderbird male's team of course the life saver are such a hero of the game.....

Ladies category...Congratulations to THUNDER..THUNDER...THUNDERBIRDDDDDD.... hehehe I miss the old time cartoon ey...1st runner up DCM followed by XOXO and Takaful BIBD... Well done guys....

Next tourney to look forward....

30th May @ Polis HQ Gadong - Male tournament
6th June @ MPH - Female tournament Setia Motor Cup....

See you when you get there....Adios...Peace!!!!!


Daniel the life saver
BooBoo (Orange jersey)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Netball Tournament: Spitfire Tutong

Ladies netball tournament anjuran Spitfire 2nd week..... haiyaaaa...manyak lama wo.....lagi itu semi-final mau sambung next week week dunno what time mau habis wo.... itu sama hali lelaki munya netball tournament juga main....anyway....sini ada sikit gambar klik klik klik



Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ladies Netball Tournament: Spitfire (Part 1)

Ladies netball tournament invitation from Spitfire 1st week was held last sunday at Gym Tutong Camp. 2 categories (my understanding) beginners and pro. I nda sampat ambil much information on that particular tourney. Insyallah nextweek dapat full story hehehehe...... came ahir jua....bit tiring meliat.....but few shots taken.....nda brapa banyak action...pasal position tampat ku duduk inda lawa hehehehe.....

To be continue next week Sunday at the same place.

Peace to the world

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ladies Netball Tournament - KESUMA Tutong

Sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy......... lambat update ah......
Anyway.....back to our sturiiiiiiii......... Ladies Netball tourney anjuran KASUMA at Bukit Bear berakhir dengan.....

KBNC as CHAMPION!!!!!!! Congrats KBNC..... I like toh.........

COngrats and dearest REVIVAL NC came up as 1st runner up........ I love you guys..... Mwahzzzzz

3rd place direbut oleh tuan rumah (oooiiiii tuan ruuuuu...hehehe versi bujang lapok) KASUMA.

So next skodding skodding will be ladies netball tournament (I understand for beginners...) this week and next week at Dewan Gerak Badan Tutong...I guess Tutong kem kali.....

See you when you get there....

Signing out - Thirteensix