Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sungkai Out @ Empire Hotel

unplan cake

kes malu....sorry raymah herna dgn pantasnya pointing at you...
menahan ketawa Nor???

Reunion of d'bratz buddies at Empire Hotel for Sungkai out. Byk yang away so we reunion 11 org saja. Still jua inda berubah kan perangai atu asyik kan mengana kn org saja...especially Jazz and Nor...

That night ngam tia byk wah yg buat birthday suprise during the sungkai out. Siok lagi tu org empire nyanyi kan beramai2...SOOOOOOOOO...I suggest main2 to Jazz and Nor what if tani buat saja2 nyanyi utk Herna...its not her bday though....SoOOOOO cJazz and Nor ani sampai tah inform to the waiter that kn suprise kn Herna....

Sudah sampai arah table kmi dorang menyanyi lagu bday and pakai cake buffet they all taruh candle on top lah...Herna and raymah tebanggang..and apa lagi myself Jazz & Nor pacah ktawa...

Damn...guys....kesian jua drng menyanyi tu....

Anyway we had fun lah last nyt eventhough sorang2 with their own crowds but the word we called FRIENDS is still there....

Thank you guys and love you girls..........

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