Heylo my blog and visitors......
It's quite sekajap I can rasa lah this week pasal......
After the last Sunday Netball Tournament Setia Motor yang inda tantu cara menganjur nya (lain kali jgn cematu ey..bagi jara...eeee mangkuk mangkuk) it' was fun though meliat games atu tapi ada kan I komen sikit lah...hehehe "Apa punya tournament, habuk CERTIFICATE penghargaan pun TARAAAAA....baik lagi the previous tournament ada certificate for teams yang inda masuk final and some more $150 lagi ganya tue (including lunchpack and mineral water) hehehe... ani dang.... $200 sekali ja lunch pack without water. AND games last minute di informed main for two-weeks...At 1st they said 1 week then finals on the 2nd week....esh if tau cematu ada g our team mates dapat ikut tu....takper......At least good initiative pulang sudah membuat netball tournament p jangan terlampau membuli netballlers ani...jangan mengambil kesempatan arah para2 netballers yang karak. Menganjur menganjur jua tapi please set an objective to menaikan netball brunei. Jangan menganjur setakat menaikan nama and
MONEY!!!. Anyway thank you jua lah for the opportunity. Jangan catu lagi ah,......thanks for the effort and please improve....
Esuk nya start kaja and I don't why my body system selalu "sleeping mode" di office every monday. The next day start tah busy berabis d office pasal ada new product investment product launched last 27th May 2009. The new launched investment product I categorized as two-thumbs up. This will only be offered 1 month period and after that no more so bettr find out more before 27th June 2009....I tell you...You will lost an opportunity in
diversifying your investment portfolio if you inda join this new structured product. Book now....
Wednesday start tah kami training netball lagi then Friday jua.
Tadi balik keraja tarus lah balik rumah and blogging. Jap g I kan tidur pasal tonight my Saturday night plan will be:
- At 7pm dinner with my SIX.
- "Moveing" with Revival crews liat cerita Night at Museum Brunei hehehe
- Lepaking lah tempat biasa pai I kalat mata..
So to myself and all visitors...